Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Seems I am feeling a bit better this week, and I am so thankful!  A DM friend mentioned a condition that she had Costochondritis and I believe that ultimately, this is what I am dealing with here.  Dislocation just doesn't seem quite right and the x ray showed no discernable fractures.

Yesterday I was pain-free almost the entire day.  Today, I had a slight increase, but not nearly as painful as I was last week.  Feeling good and having to take things easy is difficult for me, but I am trying as hard as I can to listen to my body and let it guide me towards a complete healing.

39 days til my first tri. 


  1. Hopefully this is a sign that your return to training is right around the corner. I can't wait to read your first full triathlon blog report!!

  2. 1st tri??! Glad to see you on the upswing! Looks like you are taking a different road in the journey:)

  3. Karen, I was diagnosed with costcochonitis before I ran Chicago. I seriously thought it was heart-related and even had an EKG done. Turns out it was because of the push-ups I had been doing, plus I had been carrying a rather heavy backpack to school. Glad you're on the mend...can't wait to see you at CB&I!
