Monday, October 11, 2010

Busy and Busier

This week will probably be one of the busiest I have had in many a moon.  The real challenge will be getting in the mileage for the week as this is the last "big" mileage week before I begin my "taper" of sorts for Cactus Rose.

I lost 10 miles last weekend whilst tending to my lovely grand daughter.  Something I didn't mind at all!  How can I when she is as cute as can be!


  1. Cute as a button! Hopefully "taper" also means more time with the granddaughter!

  2. Now, Neen, you know you have a thing for red-heads! LOL

  3. Sooo cute!! ok maybe not as cute as my nephew-lol! I bet you're the coolest g-mas around!...imagine this scenario in the future: "My grandmother can run 100 miles, what does your grandmother do?!" :)
