This year has been passing by at light-speed it seems. 2010 has served many changes in just a few short months! The most significant, of course, is that Mark and I became grandparents. This is so hard for me to wrap my mind around, yet, my heart is all in. The love I feel for our little granddaughter is unlike anything else I've ever felt. I can certainly see how a grandparent could/would spoil a grandchild. I mean, they are perfect, right?!
2010 is also the year that my youngest daughter became a preteen. She turned 12 in February. It was a blessing to be able to go to the American Girl Store in Dallas. It was a bittersweet trip as I realized that my youngest daughter is probably not going to be enjoying American Girl Dolls or little girl activities for much longer. The other side of that coin is that we will be able to share these pasttimes with our sweet granddaughter.
Nature was very kind to us while we were in Dallas. We were blessed with a very unusual snow storm close to home. As we headed down 45, we pulled off and had a good old-fashioned snowball fight! This was her first and my first one in many, many years. What a sight to see my sweet little girl, dressed in her new spring outfit complete with silver shoes, throwing snowballs straight at me!
Lem has grown into such a lovely young lady. She loves to help others and is discerning a nursing career with an emphasis on pediatrics. She would be perfect in this role as she would be in any role where she is serving others. She is truly a living angel.
As February moved into March, our family enjoyed the season of Lent. Mark and I celebrated 19 years as husband and wife, (how he puts up with me, I'll never know!), and grandbaby J came to visit! It was complete joy having her here.
Boo hunting Easter eggs!
After Easter, our Goddaughter from Connecticut came to visit. It had been two years since we had visited with her, two years too long! Fia and Lem are very close in age and this has begun to translate into visits to see Lem more than visits to see the Godparents! We love that they have this wonderful friendship developing.
Sisters of the heart
We were able to visit the Zoo while she was here. It was a gorgeous day!
A few pictures of our day...(aka, lots of pictures that may bore you to tears...)
I love meerkats!
Fish enjoying the day!
Going through the Piranha tank. No, I did not even try. Too freaky!
Boo enjoying the shade and the scent of jasmine
Petting the local lizard who happened to be out on his walk
Eagles Nest Pics
The Most Majestic Bird, Liberty...isn't she beautiful?
April also brought with it news that Boo will be requiring surgery to remove TWO, yes, TWO airsoft BBs from his nose. One is residing in each nostril. Lucky us. He will also be having his tonsils removed as they are so enlarged that he can not swallow thin liquids without choking on them. Out go the tonsils, adenoids, and a good ear cleaning! Oh the joys of being 4!
Foo celebrated turning 15 on the 27th. I can hardly believe how quickly time has passed watching this young boy evolve into a remarkable young man. He has a bright future ahead of him!
Bean will be returning home this week from college and then the big event, A and R's wedding! I am going to be a mother-in-law too! I hope I am a good one!
We will be celebrating more birthdays, confirmations, and graduations over the next few weeks, providing pictures all the while. Prepare yourselves.
Facebook is on hiatus for me right now. I love the social media, but I am finding that I am really missing blogging. For some reason, I can't seem to balance both, so the FB is taking a back seat.
As spring unfolds and summer approaches, I realize that there are many seasons to this thing called life. Sometimes it seems to be slow and boring, but usually, it is fast and furious and at times you might feel like you are being run over. Mark, my very wise husband, once said when I shared with him that I was feeling like this that I had a choice. I could feel like I was being run over, or I could roll with the wave. Rolling with the wave is much less painful.
So roll with your waves this season, be it with the good stuff or the bad. It all passes away too quickly and we only have one life to live. What we are left with are the memories. I hope to make many wonderful ones.
So many beautiful changes. Your grandbaby is just adorable but then you know how I feel about red-heads. Your family is growing so wonderfully. I hope you get to enjoy everyone home together soon. Congrats on the wedding. See ya soon, I hope. Mabye after the wedding and Confirmation weekend we can get together. God Bless!