Saturday, September 11, 2010


Grace is what I have been feeling much of this week.  Since deciding to not "plan" my running out right now, it seems that it has become joyful again.  This is reflected in the nice increase in mileage that I have done only because I want to and not because a training plan dictates that I do.  I haven't had a fifty mile week in some time, and it feels good.

God's grace can only move in me when I allow it the room to do so.  I liken it to cleaning out the closest and bureaus around the home.  God can't bless us, if we hang onto every thing that crosses our path.  So I've ditched the training plans for now, which in turn forces me to give up the micro-management of every step I run.  It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and not just in the area of my running.

I have also given up the control I only thought I had in other aspects of my life.  For now.  I tend to take it back again, but for this moment, I am working to discover what God is calling me to do in the situations I am trying to control.  I want Him to lead the way.  He promises that if we come to Him, He will give us rest.  If we take up His yoke, (work with Him instead of against Him) we will learn from Him and find rest, because His burden is light.  That is one awesome promise!

I am resting in this promise this week and I feel His grace.  It changes my eyesight...meaning, I see things from a different perspective and the view is much nicer than when I take matters into my own hands.

I mentioned earlier this week a new CD that I have been listening to on my runs.  There are many songs that touch my heart, but from the last song on the CD, these lyrics resonate long after my run is over...

"Bind up these broken bones...Mercy, bend and breathe me back to life." (Show Me by Audrey Assad)

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